Our community’s safety is our number one priority.
Our community’s safety is our number one priority.
1. Respect Everyone
Treat others with respect and as you would like to be treated. Please use English in voice and text chat to ensure our crew and other players can understand you. This is a family-friendly server and recording and streaming is encouraged, so we ask all players to behave appropriately.
2. Griefing, Theft, Claims
Griefing is irritating or angering people by being destructive, annoying or interfering with builds and belongings. Please use a sign, fence or wall with your name to claim land or an area where you would like to build.
3. Farms, Redstone
Redstone is a huge part of the game and you’re absolutely welcome to build with it. However please be mindful of server performance.
4. Cheating, Bugs, Exploits
Cheating is not permitted. Modifications to the vanilla version of Minecraft or resource packs that give an unfair advantage are not allowed, including x-ray. If you are discovered cheating, you will face a harsh penalty.
5. Spawn Island
Our spawn is a mushroom island and features an iconic build we can’t wait to share with you. The spawn island also includes our shopping and gaming districts (see below), the post office and various community farms.
6. Shopping District, Economy
Our shopping district is on the spawn island and diamonds are our primary currency. We use the Shopkeeper mod and shopkeeper tokens are available in the spawn build. More information and help are available in Discord.
7. Gaming District
Our gaming district is on our spawn island and is modelled on a classic Australian landmark.
8. The Nether
Community access to the nether is available through our spawn build. This season of StageCraft will not use nether tunnels as the community portal links to the nether roof, with access to the nether biomes available through the bedrock.
9. The End
We are looking forward to discussing our community use of the end in Discord.
Please refer back to our rules here as we agree on our use of the end.
10. Accounts, Inactivity
Please protect yourselves and our community.